Underworld Playtest Log - 11/14/19


I had the opportunity to playtest the game with my old gamer group in Ohio yesterday and we all had a great time. The group played the following adventurers:

  • Firebrand - Gunnar (ended game with 105 Gold Crowns)

  • Peacekeeper - Dave (ended game with 70 Gold Crowns)

  • Treasure Hunter - Megan (ended game with 115 Gold Crowns)

  • Austringer - Bill (ended game with 160 Gold Crowns)

Both the Peacekeeper and the Austringer received Wounds during the game. The Austringer’s was cured by the Firebrand, the Peacekeeper returned to town with a Ruptured Organ.

Here are some of the changes coming out of this playtest.

  • Treasure Rewards: The active player draws 1 treasure for each Adventurer, chooses one, and then passes the three to the left (clockwise). Basically, a drafting mechanic for choosing rewards allows players to get treasures that may be more useful to them (like the Antichthon Orb).

  • Look at some of the terminology on the player cards regarding Ally. Perhaps change it to Hero or some other word.

  • Treasure Card idea: Potent Spirits - Reduce X Stress or Remove a Wound

  • Consider adding ‘Kickers’ to some Adventurer abilities:

    • Example: Reduce Stress by 2 to increase damage of this attack by 2.

  • Firebrand - Zealous Strike: damage felt low compared to other abilities.

    • I checked the spreadsheet and it had been increased from 1 + weapon damage to 2 + weapon damage, so I just forgot to update the card to reflect this.

  • Night Hatchet : This foe card needs updated with new targeting dice mechanic. Also need to change Erratic Strike from a d4 to a d6. (I don’t want d4 dice to be used in the game any longer).

  • Spore Hunter idea: Consider making it immune to Bleed?


The Abúhukü


Spore Hunter on the prowl